Legal notice

You are visiting the website property of From Idea to Market S.L., with fiscal address Carrer del Carç, 90 - 08810 Sant Pere de Ribes (Spain), with NIF Nº B66054594, inscribed in the Barcelona Mercantile Register, referred to as “OWNER”. You can contact the OWNER via the following methods:

– Phone: +34 679 570 135
– Email:


The conditions specified (referred to as LEGAL NOTICE) are for the purposes of regulating the usage of the website that the OWNER has for the general public.

The access to and/or usage of the website by the general public is defined as USER, who accepts, by accessing and/or using it, the general conditions of use specified here.

WEBSITE USAGE provides access to information, services or data (referred to as “content”) on Internet, property of the OWNER, to which the USER may have access.

The user is responsible for usage of the website. As such, this responsibility entails any necessary registration that may be mandatory in order to access specific services or content. In this registration the USER will be responsible for providing true and up-to-date information. Shall it be necessary, the USER may receive a password to access content. The USER will be responsible for this password, for using it responsibly, diligently and maintaining it confidential.


All information relative to data protection is specified in the privacy policy.


The OWNER is the owner of all of the intellectual and industrial property rights on their website, as well as all of the content that is part of the website, such as: images, photographs, audio, sound, video, software and texts; logos and brands, combinations of colors, structure and design, the selection of utilized materials, computer programs necessary for its usage, access and usage, etc., property of the OWNER or its licensees. All rights reserved. As specified on the Spanish Law “8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual”, regarding intellectual property, the reproduction, copy, distribution and public communication, or any other utilization, including and not limited to the totality or part of the contents of the website for commercial ends, or any other end, in any format, device, computer, paper, or technical medium is strictly prohibited without the OWNER’s authorization.


The USER accepts that the usage of the website and its contents and services are provided under the USER’s sole responsibility. The OWNER is not liable for the availability or functionality of the website, the infringement of any of the current legislative laws by the USER, the existence of malware or other IT elements that may damage the USER’s or a third parties’ technological devices, fraudulent usage of the contents or services by unauthorized third parties (such as the elimination, modification, etc., of any contents of services on the website), among others.


The OWNER reserves the right to modify the website or this legal notice when necessary, without prior notice. The duration of the specified conditions will be applicable until they are officially modified.


This website may include links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. The OWNER does not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their content, veracity, functionality or their privacy policies. Furthermore, the inclusion of these links will in no way entail an association, merger or participation with those thirds parties.


The OWNER reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the website and/or services provided without prior notice, either requested by a third party or by the OWNER’s decision, to those USERS that do not comply with the conditions specified in this legal notice.


The OWNER will take legal actions against those that do not comply with the specified conditions or inadequate utilization of their website, exercising all of the civil and legal rights that apply.


The relationship between the OWNER and the USER will be governed by the current legislative laws in Spain. All disputes and complaints arising out of or in connection with this legal notice shall be referred to and finally resolved by the Courts and Tribunes located in the city of Barcelona, Spain.